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Story of triumph

First blog, stories of mini adventures, family stuff, travel, work and whatnots.
This weekend has been crazy. Keeping it short and sweet.
He has been training for his Triathlon for almost 6 months now. Saturday was the big day, and he did great.

13th in swim. With a time of 5:03. Transition time of 1:39. 9th in biking. Time of 22:04. Transition time of 38 seconds. 8th in running. Time of 9:47.


He finished!

He was fairly comical through the race. Swimming was his biggest battle, he is a strong swimmer with weak form. He lagged on and on for his 200 meter swim, and never gave up. Completely proud of him! He got of of the pool, and he was in his happy place, biking and running! He hammed it up, and was feeling his celebrity with each lap he took.
He made sure to smile at all of his supporters
He loved the spectators cheering for him.

When he crossed the finish line, first words - I'm tired, I need a drink!
